Wormsloe Plantation Oaks
by Priscilla Burgers
Wormsloe Plantation Oaks
Priscilla Burgers
Photograph - Photography/ Digital Painting
"Wormsloe Plantation Oaks is a photograph-based digital painting of a breathtaking avenue sheltered by live oaks and Spanish moss.This avenue leads to the tabby ruins of Wormsloe, the colonial estate of Noble Jones (1702-1775). Jones was a humble carpenter who arrived in Georgia in 1733 with James Oglethorpe and the first group of settlers from England. Wormsloe's tabby ruin is the oldest standing structure in Savannah.
Surviving hunger, plague and warfare in the rugged environment of Georgia, Jones went on to serve the colony as a doctor, constable, Indian agent, Royal Councilor and surveyor, laying out the towns of Augusta and New Ebenezer. He also commanded a company of marines charged with defending the Georgia coast from the Spanish. Jones died at the beginning of the American Revolution, but his descendants sustained Wormsloe until the state of Georgia acquired most of the plantation in 1973.
- A 20" x 16" luster print to a buyer in Paducah, KY on 10/14/2019. Thank you!
- A 30" x 19.88" luster print to a buyer in Mountville, SC on 112/2/2014,Thank you!
- A 44" x 30.5" framed print to a buyer in Mission, KS on 7/6/2014. Thank you!
TREE CANOPY Contest - 8/16/2015
- Your Favorite Art Work Group-11/29/2013
- Todays Best Art Group-11/29/2013
- Tunnels and Arches Group-11/30/2013
- I Love Nature Photography Group-11/30/2013
- Sold On FAA Group - 07/07/2014
- The World We See Group - 07/08/2014
- I Love Photography Group - 07/09/2014
- All Seasons Landscapes Group - 07/09/2014
- Beautiful Picturesque Landscapes Group - 07/09/2014
- All Fine Art America Artwork Group - 07/09/2014
- Amazing FAA Photographers Group - 07/09/2014
- Artists Best Five Artwork Group - 07/09/2014
- Art By God Group - 07/09/2014
- The Light Painters Group - 07/09/2014
- All Things On the Atlantic Group - 07/10/2014
- Beauty Group - 07/10/2014
- Photography and Artwork Beauty the USA Group - 07/11/2014
- Seasons of Beauty Group - 07/12/2014
- Photography the Fine Art Group - 07/13/2014
-Wonders of Nature Photography Group - 07/14/2014
- Images That Excite You Group - 07/15/2014
- Excellent Self-Taught Artists Group - 07/16/2014
- All Natural Scenery Landscapes Group - 07/19/2014
- Art From the Past Group - 07/21/2014
- On the Hospital Wall Group - 07/23/2014
- In the Mood Group - 07/29/2014
- Natural Tunnels and Arches Group - 1/20/2015
- Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Group - 1/19/2017
- 500 and Beyond Fine Art Group - 3/4/2017
- Photographers From Around the World Group - 3/4/2017
- Waiting Room Art Group - 3/5/2017
- USA Photographers Only Group - 3/5/2017
- 1000 Views On One Image Group - 3/6/2017
- The Artistic Aperture Group - 1/15/2019
- Arts Fantastic World Group - 1/16/2019
- Topaz Simplicity - Glow - Impression Photo Rendering Group - 1/16/2019
- 10 Plus Group - 1/30/2019
- Camera Art Group - 1/31/2019
- The Road Less Traveled Group - 4/16/2019
- 4000 to 4999 Views Group - 5/12/2024
November 25th, 2013
Comments (52)
Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic photographic art has been chosen as a Camera Art Group feature! You are invited to archive your work in the Features Archive discussion as well as any other discussion in which it would fit
Don Columbus
Congratulations Priscilla, your work is Featured in "Photographic Camera Art" I invite you to place it in the group's "2019 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet
Bob Lentz
Congratulations! on this unique image’s being Featured in “The Artistic Aperture” group, and also Liked, Favorited, and Facebooked.
Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #6 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.
Gene Healy
Lovely scene. L/F Pus I have nominated this image in the Special Feature for Promotion #6 discussion in the group '1000 views on 1 Image'.
Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p
Ralph Klein
Congratulations. Your this wonderful picture is featured on the HP of PHOTOGRAPHERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Thank you very much for sharing. Beautiful work and great capture.
Randy Rosenberger
What a fine piece of artwork for me to proudly display on our Featured Artwork section of our Homepage of our Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group! Thanks for sharing! LIKED & FAVED Randy B. Rosenberger (WFS group administrator)
Charles Robinson
This is pretty awesome, Priscilla. I encourage you to submit it to my new Natural Tunnels and Arches Group.