Early Snowfall at Dallas Divide
by Priscilla Burgers
Early Snowfall at Dallas Divide
Priscilla Burgers
Photograph - Photography
Dallas Divide, near Ridgway, Colorado, is beautiful any time of year, but it is especially striking in the Fall. This image was captured on the early morning after an evening snowfall. The aspen, live oak, and other colorful vegetation seem to glow in the early sunlight. This image would pair nicely with Fall at Dallas Divide.
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Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Group - 6/8/2017
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Winter Wonderland Group - 6/4/2017
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Colorado Nature and Wildlife Photographers Group - 6/21/2017
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Waiting Room Art Group - 9/22/2017
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Art By God Photography Only Group - 9/25/2017
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FAA Featured Photos:
1000 Views On 1 Image Group - 10/2/2017
FAA Featured Photos:
International Women Artists Group - 10/5/2017
October 9th, 2013
Comments (135)
Judi Dressler
Congratulations on your 2nd Place Win in the Colorado Snow contest, sponsored by the All Colorado group. A wonderful photograph! l/f
Anne Gifford
Congratulations on your contest win! This is a dramatic and beautiful blending of two seasons, so typical of Colorado. like/f
Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #7 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.
Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p
Tony Hake
Crazy beautiful capture, Priscilla! Happy to feature it in the Colorado Nature And Wildlife Photographers group.
Mary Ann Weger
Congratulations! Your beautiful work has been featured in the Fine Art America group “FAA- Pixels All Stars”! You are invited to archive your featured image for permanent storage and for viewing on the Discussions Page—topic name: “3--OPEN--All Star Featured Archives & Thank You Thread & List of Artists”. Simply copy your image’s URL at the top of your image’s profile page, and paste it into the Discussion Page theme as noted above. Group URL: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/f-a-a--pixels-all-stars.html
Hanne Lore Koehler
Brilliant capture of this spectacular mountain view, Priscilla! Congratulations on your Wisconsin Flowers And Scenery SPECIAL HIGHLIGHT feature! L/F
Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations for being one of our present SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTED ARTISTS, as you are very deserving of this special honor. Check it out on top of the Homepage of our site. It surely is a true honor to FEATURE THIS BEAUTY ON OUR HOMEPAGE! Your talents and love for art are surely dominant in this beautiful piece of outstanding art work! Thanks so very much for sharing, so we may enjoy and adore the beauty within! LIKED AND FAVED Randy B. Rosenberger (admin of WFS group) http://fineartamerica.com/groups/wisconsin-flowers-and-scenery.html